Articles on: Integrations

How to publish an article directly to WordPress

Using the WordPress Integration feature, you can easily create a draft on WordPress directly from the KoalaWriter page.

From there, you can edit and publish the draft!

1. Connect your WordPress site.

If you've already connected your website, it should look like this on your account page. If not, please click here for the guide on connecting your Koala account to your WordPress site.

Note: We can't integrate to sites hosted by since they don't support WordPress' built-in Application Passwords.

2. Go to your finished article.

On the KoalaWriter page, select the finished article that you want to publish on WordPress. Or create a new one.

Above the article title, you should see the "Create Draft" button. Press that.

If you have more than one WordPress website connected to your Koala account, a dropdown menu will appear. Now you can select which website you want to add the draft to.

3. Create Draft.

Once you click the button to create the draft, you will be redirected to your connected WordPress site. 

Now, click "Edit Post," which you can find on the WordPress toolbar.

4. Edit as needed, then click Publish.

Once you're satisfied with your article, simply click the "Publish" button, which you can find in the top right corner.

That's all!

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Updated on: 17/07/2024

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