Articles on: KoalaWriter

How to choose products for the Amazon Product Roundups

If you've been wanting to choose your own products for the Amazon Product Roundups, fret not. It's always been possible (though a little hidden)!

Simply follow the steps below and you'll be creating more Amazon Product Roundups in no time.

1. Enable the Outline Editor

This is the most important step! You can't choose a specific Amazon product unless you enable the Outline Editor. Plus, it's one of our most important features, so why not make the most of it?

You'll find the Outline Editor toggle below the Point of View feature.

Note: For this guide, my sample article uses the target keyword "best dog food".

2. Choose a Specific Amazon Product

Once the article outline is generated, you will see something like this.

Sample outline of an Amazon Product Roundup with the target keyword "best dog food" in KoalaWriter

To choose a specific Amazon product, you have two options: a) edit an existing section, or b) add a new section and remove the existing sections.

a) Edit an existing section

Hover your cursor over the product section you want to change, then click the Edit button.

A menu should appear on the right that looks like this:

Now, just replace the ASIN with the one you want to replace it with.

[Related: How to find the product ASIN on Amazon]

Don't forget to click Save when you're done! Hint: it's at the bottom

b) Add a product section and delete the sections you don't want

To delete unwanted sections, just hover your cursor over the product section you want to remove.

Next, click "Add section".

A menu should appear on the right that looks like this:

Select the "Product Section" Product Type.

Next, enter the ASIN of the product you selected. [Related: How to find the product ASIN on Amazon]

Now, just make sure to click Save when you're done! Hint: it's at the bottom

3. Create the article!

Once you're satisfied with the outline, simply click the Write Article button, and watch the magic unfold!

Updated on: 19/08/2024

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