Articles on: KoalaWriter

How to create Amazon Single Product Reviews using KoalaWriter

As a one-click AI writer, creating Amazon Product Roundups with KoalaWriter is easy. You simply input your target keyword, edit your prompts, click "Write Article," and you'll have a finished affiliate article in minutes.

This guide is designed to familiarize new and potential subscribers with KoalaWriter's Amazon Product Roundups article type and its different inputs.

Now, let's walk through how to create affiliate articles using KoalaWriter.


Before choosing the article type you want to create, you must choose the model you want KoalaWriter to use.

Article Type

Of course, you want to select the Amazon Single Product Review article type.

Amazon Product URL

Please provide the URL for the Amazon product.

We support all international Amazon stores. For example, for Amazon UK use a URL like "".

Note: Do not use a shortened URL.

Target Keyword

For Amazon single product reviews, your target keyword should be what you want to rank for.

First-Hand Experience

If you enable First-Hand Experience, KoalaWriter will review the product as if it has experience using it. If you don't want the article to be written like this, then click the toggle to disable this.

Enable Condensed Mode

If enabled, KoalaWriter will create a more condensed outline, which will results in a shorter article.

Key features will be put as H3s under a single H2 instead of separate H2s. This can help lessen repetition, but it can also result in a less comprehensive article.

Amazon Tracking ID

Paste your Amazon Affiliate ID here so KoalaWriter can automatically add it to the product links in the article.

Automatic Internal Linking

If you've already indexed your sites, simply select the domain you want the article to be internally linked to.

If you have not yet indexed your site, please follow our How to enable internal linking in KoalaWriter guide.

Tone of Voice

Currently, you can choose from seven tones of voice for your article. Choose any of these, and KoalaWriter will create the article using that tone of voice.

The tone of voice you choose should depend on your niche and brand voice.


KoalaWriter can write articles in the language you select. For example, if you want an article written in German, select German from the dropdown menu.

Point of View

Depending on your niche, you might want KoalaWriter to create articles from different points of view. For instance, if you want it to write from an expert author's perspective, you could choose First Person Singular. If you want it to highlight things from the reader's perspective, you could choose Second Person.

You can choose from the following:

First Person Singular
First Person Plural
Second Person
Third Person

Outline Editor

If you enable the Outline Editor, an outline will first be created before your article is written. You can re-order, delete, and add new sections to the outline before generating the article.

By enabling the Outline Editor, you will also be able to specify which products you want to include in the article.

For a more detailed guide, please go to our Outline Editor guide.

Note: If you want to specify which products to review, please enable the Outline Editor.

FAQ Section

Enabling this will automatically add a FAQ section to your article outline. KoalaWriter will fetch the questions from Google's People Also Ask feature and other sources.

Improve Readability

If enabled, the article will have shorter sentences and simpler language to target an 8th grade reading level.

Note: Works best with GPT-4o.

Advanced Options

All prompts under the Advanced Options are optional, but entering detailed prompts as needed can significantly improve the output.

Extra Title Prompt

This is an optional input. If you'd like to provide additional instructions for the title, put them here.

Example: "Choose a short, creative title."

Extra Section Prompt

Like the extra title prompt, this is also optional.

Here, you can input additional instructions that will be applied individually to all sections of your article. You cannot give instructions such as "write 1,200 words" because it will be applied to each section individually, not the whole article.

Example: "Keep paragraphs short and concise."

Extra Introduction Prompt

Additional instructions that will be applied to the introduction.

Creating the Article

If you want to create your affiliate article with the least amount of time and effort, you could provide the target keyword, leave everything on default, and click "Create Article." You can publish the output as-is; after all, KoalaWriter is a one-click AI writer.

However, if you want to get the absolute best results, we recommend spending a little more time tweaking your inputs before creating the article.

Sample Articles

To view our sample Amazon Single Product articles, please visit our Samples site.

Note: Published articles are either unedited or minimally edited.

Updated on: 15/08/2024

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