Articles on: KoalaWriter

How to create Blog Posts using KoalaWriter

As a one-click AI writer, creating blog posts with KoalaWriter is easy. You simply input your target keyword, optionally edit your prompts, click "Write Article," and you'll have the finished output in minutes.

This guide is designed to familiarize new and potential subscribers with KoalaWriter's blog post article type and its different inputs.

Now, let's walk through how to create blog posts using KoalaWriter.

GPT Version

Before choosing the article type you want to create, you must choose the GPT version.

GPT-4 vs. GPT-3.5

GPT-4 mainly has much better accuracy and reasoning capabilities than GPT-3.5. It is also more creative in its writing.

You should try it out for your niche before deciding, but generally, you will benefit the most from using GPT-4 if you need Koala to write about more technical topics. Otherwise, GPT-3.5 currently works well enough for average users.

Note: Choosing GPT-4 currently costs 5x more words than GPT-3.5.

Article Type

Currently, you can choose from two article types: blog posts and Amazon product roundups. Our team is working on adding more types, and we will keep our guides updated as we release more features.

If you want KoalaWriter to create content for your blogs or niche sites, select the blog post article type. By default, the blog post article type will include an introduction and any other section the Writer thinks is necessary to write a complete article on the target keyword.

If you want to create affiliate articles, please go to our Amazon Product Roundup guide.

Target Keyword

For blog posts, this should be the target keyword you want to rank for. An example would be, can you eat watermelon seeds?

Note: The target keyword box is meant to contain just the target keyword. Please do not put additional keywords in it.

SEO Optimization

With the SEO optimization feature, you can make sure that KoalaWriter includes other target keywords in the output. Using this feature will often result in a longer article since the AI now has more topics to cover. This is usually good, but if you want a shorter article, you can use the Outline Editor and remove some sections.

If you use Frase, MarketMuse, SurferSEO, etc., it is up to you and your workflow if you want to keep using them. With this first version, we aim to produce higher-quality content and reduce the manual SEO optimization step. We expect many users will still continue to use third-party SEO optimization tools. But, as our SEO Optimization tools mature in the future, we think most users will find it unnecessary to use them when they are using Koala.

You have three options to choose from: Default, Manual, and AI-Powered.


The default mode will make KoalaWriter work as it did before. It will focus on the target keyword and add it to the text multiple times. However, sometimes it might not include enough related keywords.


In manual mode, you can specify a list of keywords for KoalaWriter to use in the article. Please note there are no guarantees about which keywords will be used.


With the AI-Powered mode, we will analyze top-ranking pages and extract up to 100 topically relevant keywords and entities for the article. This results in a much more comprehensive article that has a better chance of ranking.

Tone of Voice

Currently, you can choose from seven tones of voice for your article. Choose any of these, and KoalaWriter will create the article using that tone of voice.

The tone of voice you choose should depend on your niche and brand voice.


Select a country from the dropdown options to tell KoalaWriter which country you want to rank in. This is especially helpful if your primary audience is outside the US, as it will localize all data fetching that KoalaWriter does.

Note: Make sure to enter the target keyword in the appropriate language. For instance, if you select Japan, please put the target keyword in Japanese.


KoalaWriter can write articles in the language you select. For instance, if you want an article written in German, select German from the dropdown menu.

Point of View

Depending on your niche, you might want KoalaWriter to create articles from different points of view. For instance, if you want it to write from an expert author's perspective, you could choose First Person Singular. If you want it to highlight things from the reader's perspective, you could choose Second Person.

You can choose from the following:

First Person Singular
First Person Plural
Second Person
Third Person

Real-Time Search Results

If you enable this feature, KoalaWriter will fetch search results for each section and use that data to help generate the article. However, it can slightly increase the chances of plagiarism.

Real-Time Source Filtering

This allows you to filter which websites KoalaWriter will fetch data from and cite as a source.

Default: This option uses all of the top-ranking pages in the SERP and behaves the same as before.
Scholarly: This option only uses sources available on Google Scholar.
Custom: This option allows you to put in your own search operators.

For more details, please see our Real-Time Source Filtering guide.

Cite Sources

Enable this if you want KoalaWriter to cite sources in the text. However, note that GPT-3.5 might not cite sources even with this enabled.

Outline Editor

If you enable the Outline Editor, an outline will first be created before your article is written. You can re-order, delete, and add new sections to the outline before generating the article.

For a more detailed guide, please go to our Outline Editor docs.

FAQ Section

Enabling this will automatically add a FAQ section to your article outline. KoalaWriter will fetch the questions from Google's People Also Ask feature and other sources.

Note: If you want to use this feature and automatically add the finished article to WordPress, make sure the connected user has an Editor or Admin role.

Advanced Options

All options under this are optional, but entering detailed inputs properly can significantly improve the output.

Outline Prompt

Here, you can specify exactly what sections you want in the article. Each H2 should be on a new line, and you can specify H3s by indenting them.

To insert an indent, simply add a space before the H3. Note that only one level of indentation is supported, which means you cannot add an H4.

You should only include the names of the sections.

Note: KoalaWriter creates an introduction for every article by default, but you can remove the introduction by enabling the Outline Editor.

Extra Title Prompt

This is an optional input. If you'd like to provide additional instructions for the title, put them here.

Example: "Choose a short, creative title."

Extra Section Prompt

Like the extra title prompt, this is also optional.

Here, you can input additional instructions that will be applied individually to all sections of your article. You cannot give instructions such as "write 1,200 words" because it will be applied to each section individually, not the whole article.

Example: "Keep paragraphs short and concise."

Creating the Article

If you want to create your blog post with the least amount of time and effort, you could provide the target keyword, leave everything on default, and click "Create Article." You can publish the output as-is; after all, KoalaWriter is a one-click AI writer.

However, if you want to get the absolute best results, we recommend spending a little more time tweaking your inputs before creating the article.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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