Articles on: KoalaWriter

Polish Articles in KoalaWriter

With our all-new AI-powered Polish feature, you can now effortlessly enhance your articles!

In a single click, it optimizes readability by breaking down lengthy paragraphs, eliminating repetitions, simplifying complex sentences, and more—drastically reducing your editing time—for free!

Please note that we are actively making improvements to the model and will continue to improve the quality and consistency of the results. This is still an early version and we look forward to your feedback about how we can adapt it to your needs.

How can I use the Polish feature?

Create an article or open a finished article from the sidebar.

Click the new Polish button on top! You can also access it from the updated Final Draft tool.

Select the settings you want, then click Start Polish.

KoalaWriter will then Polish the article. Once done, you can click the Create Draft button or copy the article content as usual!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many credits does it use?

This feature uses no extra credits at all!

What plans is it available for?

You can use Polish on the Professional plan or Gold Credit Pack or higher!

Are you just doing fancy prompting?

No, we have been training our own model over the last several months. We have found you cannot get a high level of consistency or quality by having GPT edit text with prompts alone.

Why isn't Polish just built into KoalaWriter by default, why is it a separate feature?

It is necessary to have Polish be a second step after the article is created in order to support the features and quality that we want to have.

Eventually, you will be able to choose to enable Polish to run automatically on articles after they are created, so you do not need to run it manually.

Can I Polish text that is not created with KoalaWriter?

Yes, use our Final Draft tool.

Why is it called Polish and not Final Draft, what is the difference?

Final Draft is a standalone tool that will consist of many different features that will help you improve your articles before publishing. Polish is just one of those features. Other features we have planned include internal linking suggestions, SEO suggestions, and more.

Do you support custom settings or writing styles?

At this time, no, but we plan to support this soon. Our goal is for you to be able to provide writing samples of the exact style and formatting you are looking for. Then, we will train a custom model just for you. Please reach out to us to express interest in this and we will follow up with you when we are ready.

Does it work with the bulk writer or articles created with the API?

You can use Polish manually on all articles after they are created. But at this time, you cannot automatically Polish articles.

Updated on: 19/08/2024

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