KoalaChat Commands
In KoalaChat you can use the following commands: 1. /dream /dream Example: /dream latte Explanation: Generates an AI stock image for the provided prompt. Our AI automatically does prompt engineering for you, so you don't need to provide more context than simply the entity that you want to generate an image of. 2. /describe ( readersImage Description: How to use the /describe command
One of the commands you can use in KoalaChat is the /describe command. /describe Optional: Provide extra context or instructions here. It tells KoalaChat to create a description of the image you provide the link to. However, since the language model adds extra context without actually “seeing” the image, this can lead to it making up incorrect information. In the future, when image-to-caption AI models are improved, this could become more accurate. In the meantime, you can improveFew readersKeyword Generator: How to use the /kw command
The /kw command is a command that you can use in KoalaChat. /kw * It tells KoalaChat to generate some quick keyword ideas. These keywords are generated directly from Google data, and GPT is not involved in the keyword creation. Note: only a single wildcard (*) is supported! Use the wildcard where you want to get keyword ideas. Examples Below, I've included a few examples to give you an idea of how it works. Example 1: Wildcard at the endFew readersHow to use the /source command
One of the commands you can use in KoalaChat is the /source command. /source URL enter your prompt here It retrieves data from the source directly and uses that in the prompt. We use headless browsers and rotating proxies so that almost any website can be retrieved. Please note that the website should be a non-Google property that returns information in the HTML without needing Javascript to work. Sample For example, I want to know how many calories exactly are in a Java ChipFew readers